I am focused!

So, i woke up 2 minutes early in the middle of the night.  It was 3:35.  It is usually my pattern to wake up at something o’clock:37 .  I’m told 37 is God’s fingerprint in the Bible’s original text.  I’m ok with 37, but wondered why I woke up 2 minutes early.  Turns out I must have needed a couple extra minutes of prayer.

I am focused, as of a couple hours ago.  I am focused on fighting for marriages.  Too many of my friends and family are hurting themselves by letting their marriages collapse.  A marriage between a man and woman is Holy and something worth fighting for.  At 3:35, I began the process of becoming focused on the battle. 

I prayed.  The evil ones are skampering.  They are frightened.  They are mean, tough and ugly, but they will run.  I am focused.  Every 60 minutes and many times inbetween I will pray specifically for my friends and family.  I will pray they will take up the battle for their marriages.

Will you pray with me?  Will you fight?  Are you willing to die for what is right?

“God’s law is not something alien, imposed on us from without, but woven into the very fabric of our creation. There is something deep within them that echoes God’s yes and no, right and wrong”.  Paul

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It is the desire of my heart that God be Lord of my life. Life’s experiences have killed the old man and God is building a new creation in me. I look forward to experiencing the new man God creates in the old vessel known as Archie via "God Spots".

4 thoughts on “I am focused!”

  1. Great Blog! The 60/60 challenge will, test people in so many ways. Oh, yeah you wake up, early. Is 37 your favorite number?

  2. Love the challenge to pray for marriages, Archie…. I have a friend Tola who is going through a time where her husband is unfaithful and wants a divorce. Please add her to your list… and I’ll pray too.

    BTW I’m trying to work on part 2 of the deliverance posts on my blog right now 🙂 Stay tuned!

  3. My wife started waking up at 2:22 and 3:33 and 4:44. She asked me if I thought it was God. I didn’t answer very graciously but I did tell her that I thought that He wanted her to get up and pray. She did that for a while but now she wakes up at those times very rarely.
    I don’t think that we can take for granted that all of our friends marriages are solid. I pray for a lot of couples whose marriages don’t seem to be in trouble.
    You’re right to challenge everyone to fight. We’re in a war!

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